Monday, March 17, 2008

God is sooooo good!!

Yes, God is good all the time!! But, I wanted to share some recent "goodness" that I have been party to. Let's start here.....I have a friend who is adopting a child from Vietnam and while they are away, I got the privilege to keep her 3 kids for part of the weekend. That in and of its self was AWESOME but, to top it off, we got to have the family tickets to see the NEWSBOYS in concert on Saturday night!! Again, that was great, but during the concert, the youngest child was having a bout with homesickness and so we went out to get some snacks and fresh air...while we were up there, the V.P. of marketing for the Newsboys saw us and came and talked with us and brought the sweet boy a hat...then she began to ask me about the child and I told the story of the parents in Vietnam and do you know what the Lord did then? The lady smiled really big and said, "I want to give you some back stage passes!!!!" So, we got to go backstage and meet all the band members and take some pictures...The older 2 kids were very excited as well and that was really great. It was so kind of the Lord to provide that distraction for them. Then, today, I was cleaning out some drawers (I am preparing for a yard sale) and I found $20 folded up and "hidden" in a drawer. And then, when I was cleaning out a bathroom drawer, I found another box of contacts!!! I was needing some new ones but have not yet made the appointment to go. S0, all this to say that I have been sooo blessed these past few days. As a christian, I know that I am blessed everyday just because of what Christ did on the cross for me, but it is very nice to be tangibly reminded of His Goodness that is so undeserved. Thank you Lord, that you are so faithful to me.


Becky Arnold said...

We are thinking along the same lines. I just posted Jim's song "Blessed" on my blog! We are truly blessed, even in the midst of trials! Thanks for the reminder. Love you!

Anita said...

i love it when things like that happen! thanks for sharing!