Tuesday, August 19, 2008

more pregnancy notes

I know, it might get old to some of you, but I can not stop saying it! I am pregnant!!! I feel great! I am very tired and have had a little nausea but nothing that I can not handle. I want to eat right and take good care of myself but I seem to be very hungry during the day but not a whole lot at night. I know that I am not nearly showing yet, but my pants are already feeling tight! At the first of the day, they are fine but by 5 or so, they feel soooo tight!!!! I guess that I am going to have to get some granny panties and then move on up to the next size.......do you think that I am ready to get maternity pants? I don't think so, but some of you who have been down this road, tell me what you think. Thanks for sharing in our joy!! We are blessed!!!


Cjsmomx6 said...

I remember my first pregnancy and I couldn't wait to get into maternity clothes. I am all about comfort so if you want to get into maternity clothes, I say go for it. But you may be sick of them by the time your deliver. But they make soooo many cute clothes now. How fun.
Please journal on your blog. It will be fun keeping up with your pregnancy.
I am sooo excited.

Krista said...

Wow! How exciting! I will look forward to following your pregnancy.

As far as maternity clothes...they make some 0 to 3 months pants that are perfect for the first half of your pregnancy AND the year after you have the baby! :) (I have a pair of capris that I STILL wear occasionally!!!) They don't have the big tummy pocket in the front like a lot of maternity clothes have...just a nice elastic all around the top. They look just like normal pants, but are so much more comfortable.

Gina said...

I love reading that sentence from you! It's just too wonderful for words!

Liz Lange at Target - her "9 months and beyond" stuff is da bomb! I still wear my yoga pants that I got when I was pregnant with Katherine.

I love the stuff that has buttons in the waistband or the stuff that has a band that falls below the belly a lot better than the panel stuff (I couldn't stand stuff on my belly). Ooooh, I have a whole box of maternity stuff that I was going to take to the next Share and Swap. I think it's in our storage building. I'm sending Brad out this weekend to look for it. :) I'll stick it in the van for Sunday to bring to my preggie friend!

I hope you weren't too stripey by the time we got off the phone! tee-hee!