Thursday, September 18, 2008

random info

Just some random info for those of you who are reading my blog from time to time. I have been very weary. I am missing hubby a lot. I am working out of town right now for just a little while to help pay for baby. It is great and really no problem except that I love my husband long to be with him any time I can be. Last night at youth though, I was convicted about something. Pastor Tim was talking about love and how when you love something or someone you want to be with them all the time. I got to thinking that I cry sometime when I am away from Kevin and long to be near him again but, how often to I cry because I miss the Lord or long to be with Him? Not to say that I have never cried out to the Lord or longed to be with Him, but you know what I mean? I just need and want to be deep in the Word....therein is life!!!

BBQ hurt me. Spaghetti sounded great tonite but I think I am having a hard time. I have taken a few Tums and we will see if that helps. Mostly, I feel like you do when you swallow a pill and it gets stuck in your goozle!! You know what a goozle is right? Things appear to be progressing well. I do look forward to my Dr. Appointments and can not wait until I get a more defined "bump"!!


Gina said...

Oooh, convicting thoughts, Summer!

BBQ is baaaaaad! I had reflux so badly with Harrison my OB had me taking basically a triple dose of over the counter Zantac (I took a double dose at bedtime and then a regular dose first thing in the morning). If yours gets really bad, ask Dr. S if you can take it - even a regular dose is helpful! :)

Love you! I'm so glad you posted, I've been wondering how things were going.

cjsmomx6 said...

Yes friend, I know exactly what you are talking about. I soooo want to know my Jesus so intimately that I long for him more and more every day.
I will be praying for you and myself that we will get to know HIM even more with each passing day.