Monday, November 19, 2012

epic fail

Well, today I had yet another chance to put on kindness and patience and self-control and I failed again!!!  Lord help me, please!  I am so self focused and want my own way!  It is often hard for me to see Gods hand in all things.....(especially when they seem to not go my way)...yet time and time again, I see Gods faithfulness and goodness to me.  But, as we talked about in Caregroup last night, the fact that Jesus Christ, himself came to earth as a baby and lived a perfect life....experienced everything that we could ever face yet did not sin, makes Him not only God with us, but God who goes before us and KNOWS us!!!  Now, this is NOT license to sin but, it gives me comfort to know that God is with me and is changing me to be more like his Son, Jesus Christ, my Savior!

1 comment:

Becky Arnold said...

I love that you are blogging again! Enjoyed catching up with you this morning through this blog. Now we just need a face-to-face! Love you!