Tuesday, November 25, 2008

My apologies!

I think I need to change the name of my blog from Joy in the Journey to A grumbler on a Journey! I am sorry to all of you who have had to put up with me over the past few days/weeks....my heart is so wicked. I have not had joy. I have so much to be thankful for but have allowed the busyness of life to get in the way and the worries of the world to suck the joy right out of my life. Lord, most of all, I have sinned against you over and over again. Many of my friends are posting about the 1000 things they are thankful for over a period of time. I am going to post a few thoughts here. Thanks for sticking with me friends and Thanks be to God that His mercies are new every morning.

1. My savior
2. My husband (who is bearing the brunt of most of my ugliness right now)
3. This life growing inside of me
4. My family
5. My friends
6. Good health
7. A job to go to for DH and myself
8. A God honoring church
9. Free access to God's word
10. Clothes on my back
11. Food on my table
12. A roof over my head
13. A soft pillow
14. A wonderful house
15. Forgiveness
16. My sister who although she has heard the story many times, listens graciously anyway again and again.
17. A kind coworker who I have grown to love
18. Animals that think I am a great master..(one day I hope to live up to the person my dogs think I am)
19. A family heirloom baby bed and a beautiful new cradle
20. Most of the bills are paid
There is a quick list of 20.....there are so many more....Lord, help me have a thankful heart and focus on the Truth of Your word and who you are....not my circumstances or my feelings.

1 comment:

Kim said...

What a wonderful thankful list! You have encouraged me this morning by reading this. Being thankful and content is an area in my life that I wish I could say *I have learned how to be content in all circumstances* like Paul...but, I struggle with this... the Lord is so kind to help me and forgive me each time I fail.

We can pray for eachother.